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One-One / 人-人





This work means to present a relationship between men.



「one/a person」as a singular unit, we need a space, a mode and a state of our own. 「one-one」is a group, in the group there are many units and they are different from each other, but in order to survive they have to live with another units.  In this 「one-one」relationship there's a subtle relation, sometimes compete with each other and sometimes help each other, which forms a balance and everyone live peacefully together.



We eat to live, that's a basic way to survive and it's also very selfish.  The work express the relationship by eating, during the process they are actually constantly and subtly fighting with each other to get a better position, one sometimes has to be stronger  in order to defend the right to survive.  Under the continuous competition, the subtle relation between men has produced.















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