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Confronting Memories / 勇為




我/我們 需要勇氣

Memories are blinking lights;
They are hazy snatches;
They are points, planes, and slices;
They are collages, choices, decisions, deliberations,
As well as our past, present, and future.

Confronting Memories is probably an exhibition dedicated to Yuanfang Wang whom can be modelled only upon the memories his family remembered, according to which I exercise my imagination to depict this figure. Such a figment of imagination refers not so much directly to Yuanfang Wang as to the zeitgeist of his times or myself.

Yuanfang Wang died a long time ago when his five children were too young to gain a clear impression about him. On top of that, their memories of him have faded over the course of time. His family created a LINE group titled “Memory 226” (226 is the postcode of the Sanxing district of Yilan County, Taiwan), within which their fading memories have been preserved, pieced up, revised, and corrected. Besides, the family members may rekindle one another’s memories in which sentiments are interlaced with remembrance. In this way, part of Wang’s transient life has been restored, and it further mirrors the historical context of his times. The title of this exhibition features the courage to confront memories and the reconstruction of subjectivity with the fragments of memories. The slices of memories perch on our own fantasies. Memories, like dust, have been alight upon clouds and closely connected to the real world through visceral thrills, light-spots, and choices. Memories are not only the mapping of our positions and conditions, but also the outbound route along which the subject accesses its immediate environment.

However, confronting memories takes great courage.


Video link / 錄像連結


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