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Meat Queen / 肉女王





To become a Barbie doll was the dream of every girl in her childhood. Barbie doll has a beautiful face, a well-shaped figure, and long delicate legs. Girls always imagine themselves as Barbie, to whom all the best things may happen. Meat Quenn has long delicate legs as Barbie does, but the upper part of her body is a round meatball. The meatball is highly malleable, and she can be anyone or play any role as a result. 




Popular culture popularizes through different channels of propaganda and influences everyone. With the embellishment of the US and media, the Barbie-like images become a role model for the masses. People believe that they can be voguish by mimicking those images. Meat Queen indicates the status of the masses. In the series of “Meat Queen: Becoming a Part of the World”, the Meat Queen transforms into three US female superstars, including Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, and Lady Gaga, in different phases. Each of them represented and led the popular culture prevailed at their time, for example, Marilyn Monroe’s sexy appearance, Madonna’s open behavior of exposing underwear (her conical brassiere is designed by French designer Jean Paul Gaultier), and Lady Gaga’s being up to mischief (or naughtiness). Lady Gaga said, “Popular culture is a sort of art. People cannot be cool by hating it, so I advocate it...I wanna invite all of you to this party. I hope that everyone can feel the part of their lifestyle.” (translated from Wikipedia Chinese version) People believe that they will be able to realize their own dream and become a part of the world by dressing and posing similarly to those superstars. 







芭比娃娃的形象是每個女孩幼時心目中的夢想,美麗的臉龐、豐滿的身材、修長的双腿,女孩總是將自己的幻想投影在芭比的身上,期待所有美好的事物都會發生在她的身上。 ‘’肉女王’’擁有一双芭比的修長雙腿,而上半身是圓形的肉球,在具有高度可塑性的狀態中,她可以是任何人或是任何角色。




流行文化透過不同的傳輸管道對大眾進行入侵,每個人都看過這些形象,在美國與媒體的加持下,這些形象成為大眾模仿的對象,似乎只要走向這個路徑,就可以成為流行體系的一部份,肉女王就是這體系中的一份子,也影射在這體系中所有人的狀態。 在’’肉女王-成為世界的一部份’’系列裡,肉女王換化成不同時期的美國著名女星,瑪麗蓮·夢露(Marilyn Monroe)、 瑪丹娜(Madonna)、女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)。這三個形象代表著美國不同時期的流行文化, 在許多方面她們引領了那當時的流行風潮。瑪麗蓮夢露的性感形象、瑪丹娜的內衣外穿的開放形象(錐形胸罩由法國時尚設計師聖。保羅。高提耶(Jean Paul Gaultier)設計)、女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)搞怪形象,女神卡卡說:「流行文化是一種藝術。痛恨流行文化並不能讓你變酷,於是我擁護他。...。我想邀請你們所有的人加入這個派對。我希望人們感覺到他們自己生活方式的一部分。」,似乎只要穿上她們的服飾、擺出相同姿態,每個人都可以造就自己的夢同時也成為世界的一份子。




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